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The Significance of Overhead Electrical Service Lines

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The Significance of Overhead Electrical Service Lines

Overhead Electrical Service Lines Explained

Overhead electricity cables supply most Sydney households with electricity. Endeavour and Ausgrid are responsible for the upkeep of the structures along the street; they are not responsible for the service line, point of attachment, or any components linked to the household. They essentially maintain the street-level function of electricity and, therefore, cannot be responsible for the parts that carry the flow from the street into individual homes.

Let’s learn more about the basics of overhead electric service lines and what to do if they are damaged.

Overhead Connection Line

The overhead service line is the electrical cable that connects power poles on the street to your property. They generally come from the power pole directly to your attachment point.

Point of Attachment

The point of attachment is where the overhead line connects to your dwelling from the main street grid. It attaches to the switchboard that controls and supplies electricity to your home. It sometimes attaches to a private power pole installed at the property rather than connecting directly to the abode.

Causes of Overhead Power Line Problems

There are two main problems with overhead power lines: (1) accidental and (2) electrical faults. Electrical faults can be due to various factors that can include:

  • Low‐hanging cables must be kept at a specific minimum clearance to prevent accidents such as a truck passing beneath and catching them.
  • Trees and branches that grow very close to the service line will sway or break down, causing a disturbance.
  • Physical damage to the overhead power line or deterioration due to wear and tear can result in exposed or damaged wires.
  • UV damage to cables weakens the insulation over years of exposure to sunlight.

Different Accidental Damage That Can Occur

  • Tree branches that fall may hit the service line, causing immediate physical damage.
  • The connection box damages the house’s attachment point due to aging infrastructure or severe weather.
  • Riser brackets with broken attachment points could result from incorrect installation practices or physical loads.
  • Trucks inadvertently snag the power line and damage the point of attachment (often during deliveries or construction when the vehicle’s height is misjudged).

Accountability for Electrical Problems: The Role of Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid

Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid maintain the power supply up to the street. They will observe it and send defect notices if problems arise, but any defects or issues on the street towards your house will be your responsibility. They are not going to provide help with power supply problems that take place within your property boundaries.

Things to Do If You Experience Electrical Problems at Home

When you suspect some electrical problem in your home, the right thing to do is to contact an authorised Level 2 service provider. Level 2 electricians are certified professionals who can undertake these kinds of intricate electrical work. The ordinary electrician isn’t trained or licensed to handle service lines connected to the power grid since it involves too much risk. Such matters should only be addressed by qualified and fully equipped Level 2 electricians who can adhere to stringent safety procedures. At IZCO Electrical, we can legally and safely repair faults on overhead power lines. We are certified contractors under Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid.

Final Words

The bottom line is that unauthorised electricians can result in severe penalties and, above all, pose a significant safety risk. Thus, it is vital to get the right professionals to handle such critical work. Always ensure you obtain a Level 2 authorised service provider for any overhead service lines problem.

Call a licensed Level 2 Electrician, IZCO Electrical, on 0470 123 811 today for expert overhead power installation to ensure a safe and efficient power supply in your home. We also offer 24/7 emergency electrical service on-call.

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