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Category Archives: Izco Electrical Services

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Is It Possible to Charge My Electric Vehicle at Home?

Driving an EV (electric vehicle) should be a pleasure and not pain; thus, charging your EV should be easy and hassle-free. It is not an easy decision to switch from a fuel-powered car to an EV, but choosing to charge your EV at your home can make the switch uncomplicated. For that, all you need to do is install the right equipment and build your charging station at home. And there are several tips to optimise your EV’s battery power …

How Level 2 Electricians Differ from Ordinary Electricians?

When you encounter something wrong with the electricity, you need to call trained, experienced and certified electricians. For basic wiring, electrical connection issues, installation of electrical fixtures, such as lights, fans etc., you will need the help of an ordinary or general electrician. And what if the electrical problems go beyond the basic into more complex issues? Well, you’ll need the services of a level 2 electrician. Here, we will explain the difference between ordinary/ general electricians and level 2 …

Ausgrid & Endeavour Energy Defect Notices & Repairs

Have you encountered this problem? Usually when you receive a defect notice you will be required to complete defect notice repair task within 30 days , Although by calling Level 2 electrician Sydney we can guarantee you that we will do our best to repair your house wiring , switchboard or Pole and get your power back on again fast. Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy inspect properties ramdomly and give defective notices to home owners when service cables, Brackets or other …


A Level 2 Electrician is a contractor that is authorised to connect the proposed level 2 electrical work. These Electricians in particular are authorised to physically connect consumers to the network themselves. They have requirements that the government has made them oblige by such as public liability.

Point Of Attachment Bracket

Point of attachment or POA brackets are brackets which hold the weight of the service cable line from your home or build to the network pole. A connection is made at the POA and in some cases the bracket must be connected to the neutral service line. POA brackets are available in many different shapes and sizes although they must be approved by the network in order for level 2 electrician to use. Some different types of point of attachments are: …

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