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What Does It Mean to Be an ASP (Accredited Service Provider)?

In New South Wales, like in other regions, there are strict governmental guidelines concerning electricians responsible for handling power lines that supply electricity to our homes and commercial establishments. Handling such high-voltage electric currents demand specialised expertise and safety measures, and this is where the Accredited Service Provider Scheme comes to fore. An Accredited Service Provider can be an autonomous electrician or an electrician linked with an electrical services company. When you decide to engage the services of a Level …

What is an ASP (Accredited Service Provider) Scheme?

In Australia, every state has to follow government guidelines for electricians who work with the power lines connecting to residential and commercial premises. And only a particular category of an electrician is permitted to work with hazardous currents, and the ASP )Accredited Service Provider) Scheme governs these. Level 2 electrical services can be offered by an ASP (Accredited Service Provider), a certified electrician from an electrical services company or an electrician working independently. Let’s understand the ASP Scheme and the …

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